Gathering Kids

welcome to gathering kids!

Gathering Kids is open to all children from birth to 5th grade. Kids gather on Sundays during each worship service.

In Gathering kids, your children will

Engage in creative, open-ended play,

Learn developmentally-appropriate Bible stories,

Participate in dynamic games and classroom activities, and

Develop meaningful and lasting friendships.

What to Expect

Checking In
You will complete a basic information card at our New Family desk. We will ask for the following personal information:
- Family members’ names,
- Children’s names and birthdates,
- Address,
- Phone number,
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs, etc.) for your child.

Want to register before you arrive? Click here to complete your information card online!

You and your child will each receive a sticker with a unique security code on it. This will allow us to securely and safely connect you after the service.

After registering and receiving your stickers, a volunteer will lead you and your child to their age-appropriate room and introduce them to their teacher.
Here at The Gathering, the safety of children is our highest priority.

We have several policies in place that ensure every child who enters our care will have a safe and positive experience. These include:
- Biennial background checks for all kids volunteers
- Secure check-out system
- Annual Safe Sanctuary training for all kids volunteers
- Safe bathroom policies and procedures
- Positive, trauma-informed classroom structures
What Will My Kids Learn?
We utilize stories and passages from the Bible to teach our kids 6 foundational truths:
1. God made me.
2. God loves me.
3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
4. I can trust God no matter what.
5. I need to make wise choices.
6. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

These truths are taught in fun and developmentally-appropriate ways with the support of interactive videos, group games, worship songs, and small group discussions.

More than anything, we hope our kids walk away knowing how deeply they are loved by God.
Additional Supports
If your child has specific support needs you’d like to communicate with our team before attending a Sunday service, click here to complete our Gathering Kids Special Support Form.

Meet the Team

Ellie Sanazaro

Clayton Site Kids Leader

Elizabeth Hogan

Gathering Kids Director
McCausland Site Kids Leader

Bentley Caughlan

Webster Site Kids Leader