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Growth Through Transition // M-Note 6.1.24

It has been a whirlwind month for our family including lots of last shows/games/events, two graduations, figuring out future plans, and celebrating milestones. I know many of you are in the same boat. In fact, I am late with my M-Note, in part, because we are now working on graduation parties. In the midst of it all, I am learning the truth I have often preached, that God is never done with us. Movement, change, and transitions (whether we choose them or not) are opportunities for growth.
Along with all of this in my personal life, tomorrow is going to be an incredible Sunday in worship. Our McCausland site is hosting some very special guests from Mozambique that you do not want to miss. We will also have a video feed to the sites as one of our ministry partners in Mozambique brings greetings to our congregation. It is not often that an entire team comes from Mozambique to visit us, so you don’t want to miss it.
Along with that, I will be concluding our series Uncomfortable Truths: A Study of the Minor Prophets. I won’t give the sermon away but it will include ancient artifacts from the British museum, maps, a little interesting history, some pictures of my recent trip with Caleb, the Book of Nahum, and a twist at the end.
Beginning next weekend, I will start a new series called Why Do We Do That? I have people all the time who sheepishly confess to me they do not understand some element of worship. They are embarrassed to ask, “Why do we do that?” But there is no reason to be embarrassed. There are all sorts of prayers, rites, and rituals that Christians do all the time and yet many of us have never really learned the meaning behind these traditions. In this new series, I will take some of the things we do every week, and explain why we do that! It will be fun and a great series for those newer to church.
I love this season. If you are in a time of transition, hang in there. It is scary, exciting, sad, and exhilarating all at the same time. You can look at these seasons of transition and change as something to be feared and resisted, but I encourage you to see them as an opportunity to grow and develop into the person God is calling you to be.
I hope you have a great Saturday and I will see you in church tomorrow.

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