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What's Your Emotional IQ? // M-Note 3.8.25

You may not know this, but Pastor Charity on our staff is a champion of Emotional Intelligence, which is simply the ability to name and manage your feelings. In fact, if you come to my office, you will see a sticker on my desk of an Emotions Wheel. It is a diagram with several feelings listed, along with characteristics of that feeling, and what you can do with that emotion. Our Wellness Ministry created the sticker, and it is a way of normalizing emotions in the hopes that people will be more aware of how they are feeling at any given moment. Some of you might wonder why all the fuss about emotions!
Many of us were raised to be skeptical of our feelings. We didn’t want to “get emotional” and worked hard not to let feelings cloud our judgment. But, more recent science shows that this skepticism about emotions is misguided. It turns out that Emotional Intelligence is necessary in all aspects of our lives. We have better relationships and make better decisions when we are more aware of our feelings.
It isn't just science that teaches this, but we see this at work in the life of Jesus. This weekend, we are starting a new series – Emotional Rollercoaster: The Ups and Downs of Jesus’ Last Days. We are beginning the season of Lent, the 6-week period that prepares us for Easter. Along with habits like prayer, fish fries, and “giving something up”, Lent is also the time we study the last days of Jesus’ life. When you read these stories that lead up to Jesus’ death, they are highly emotional. Jesus is at his most human during his last week, experiencing joy and anger, sadness and fear, hope and disappointment. By studying these emotions in the life of Jesus, we will gain insight into how to better navigate our own feelings. It is going to be a really insightful series.
Lent and the upcoming Easter season are a great time to invite someone new to check out our church. A lot of you came to The Gathering for the first time at an Easter service. Because we are starting this new series Sunday, I really hope you will take a moment – text a friend or coworker and invite them to join you this weekend at The Gathering.
I can’t wait to begin this journey towards Easter alongside each of you. Enjoy your weekend, and I will see you in church on Sunday.

P.S. Don’t forget to set your clocks forward TONIGHT. We will brew the coffee extra strong tomorrow, so make sure to set your alarm so you don’t miss church!
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