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Invitations Work in Mysterious Ways // M-Note 9.14.24

I have a more recent friend who doesn’t go to church. In fact, when I met him and when we started hanging out, he was clear with me that he doesn’t really believe in God and that he wasn’t going to come to church. I laughed and said, “That’s ok. Everyone I hang out with doesn’t have to go to church. But, if you ever change your mind, just know I will have a seat for you.”

Over the years, we have gotten closer, and he trusts me. Even though I am a pastor, and he doesn’t believe in church, we have become good friends. He will sometimes share with me questions and struggles that he has when it comes to religion, and I share my own perspectives on doubt and faith with him. He still doesn’t come to church, even though every so often I remind him that he will always have a seat.

Recently, I met a family who just started coming to The Gathering. As I often do, I asked them how they found it. I smiled as they told me that my friend, the one who doesn’t believe, invited them to check it out. He told them, “If I was ever going to try a church, this is the one I would try!” So they thought they would check out The Gathering and, guess what? They are beginning to get connected. They were invited by someone who doesn’t even go here, yet my friend sensed our invitational attitude and had no qualms inviting someone else.

You never know where an invitation will come from, or where it will lead. I know a lot of us are a bit uncomfortable talking about faith or inviting someone else to check out a church we’ve found meaningful. But, I was thinking about this story and a few observations stuck with me. First, if my friend who doesn’t even go to church felt comfortable inviting someone, we who actually believe in the church should feel comfortable as well. Secondly, just because someone in your life isn’t interested in church doesn’t mean they discount how meaningful it is to you, and could be for others. Finally, I am reminded that just because someone says no to an invitation, doesn’t mean that invitation was wasted or a failure. You never know what God might do with it.

This weekend, I will continue my series Worth Sharing. Last week, I explored WHY Jesus asks us to share our faith. This weekend I will talk about WHAT. If Jesus wants us to be a bit more public about our faith, what exactly are we supposed to say about it or share with others? The answer is simple, and might surprise you.

So, I hope to see you this weekend in church. And, hey, invite someone to come with you. You never know where that invite might lead!


P.S. There are lots of exciting things happening with The Literacy Partnership right now. If you’re new, or don’t know, The Literacy Partnership in The Gathering’s ministry that comes alongside elementary schools in St. Louis Public Schools and the Normandy Schools Collaborative to help them accomplish their early childhood literacy goals. On Thursday evening, September 19, we’re screening the film, The Right to Read, hosting a discussion about literacy challenges in our area, and sharing opportunities to volunteer as part of The Literacy Partnership this year. Plus, we’ll have snacks and brand new TLP t-shirts and stickers! I hope you’ll sign up to join us.
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