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LUKE: The Gospel For Rebels Week 4A Gospel for People with Disabilities
by Mike DePope on February 25th, 2022
Story from the Outside:Chronic pain is funny, not haha funny, but odd, strange, funny. The thing about living with chronic pain is no one really knows you have it unless you tell them. From the outside I look perfectly healthy and normal, but on the inside there is a never ending storm that won’t quite settle down, and is never quite finished with me. A storm of pain that makes “feeling” and “bein...  Read More
LUKE: The Gospel For Rebels & Outsiders Week 3
by Mike DePope on February 19th, 2022
Story from the Outside:By the time I was 15 I was heavily addicted to drugs, specifically methamphetamine and crack cocaine. I ended up getting pregnant. There really was no option other than getting an abortion. When I was 21 I had stopped using hard drugs but I replaced the drugs with alcohol. I just didn’t know how to get through the day without something to numb the pain. My alcohol use was at...  Read More
M-Note 2.15.2022
by Mike DePope on February 15th, 2022
By Matt Miofsky Tonight The Gathering is having a Commit Service at 7pm at our Clayton site and online. This is an opportunity to join The Gathering in membership, remember your baptism, or to be baptized for the first time. Many folks will ask me, “Pastor Matt, how do I become an official member of the church?” Tonight is how! I will talk about what commitment in membership means, why I think it ...  Read More
LUKE: The Gospel For Rebels & Outsiders: Week 2
by Mike DePope on February 12th, 2022
Story from the Outside:I am an immigrant from Malaysia, who came to the United States to go to college.  I became a U.S. citizen 30 years ago to work for the federal government.  I have many painful stories of feeling like an outsider, but two that come to mind are specific to the Church. It was an evening lecture by a very famous bishop and theologian, in the award-winning new chapel at my work. ...  Read More
LUKE: The Gospel For Rebels & Outsiders Week 1
by Mike DePope on February 6th, 2022
True Story from Someone on the Outside:My father (Tom) and I live our lives by the old adage, “play hard, work hard”, and boy do we live up to the phrase.  We are NOT “church” people. Even though he was raised Italian/Catholic (and I inherited those traits) we don’t go to church on Sunday mornings, which is fine by me because I’m certain I don’t belong there. Tom and I are closer than close. We ar...  Read More
M-Note 2.2.22
by Mike DePope on February 2nd, 2022
By Matt Miofsky Today, snow is in the forecast for St. Louis, a lot of snow. My kids were excited when they called school off early last night. I know many people can work from home or call in. But, my wife is a nurse manager and works in a hospital. So, early this morning I drove her to the hospital to save her the walk from the parking garage. As I was driving home at 40 mph on the interstate, I...  Read More



