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Why Do Bad Things Happen? // M-Note 10.26.24

Early in my ministry, I began asking people in the congregation about the questions they (or their friends who don’t go to church) would most like to hear me preach about. I have gotten all sorts of interesting ones over the years but certain topics or questions come up every time I ask the question: Is Jesus the only way to heaven? How do we reconcile science and religion? What about forgiveness, heaven and hell, and questions around sex and sexuality? But there is one question I have gotten more than any other – Why do bad things happen?
This has been an enduring question of human history. We want to live in a world that makes sense, where someone is in control, and where things happen for a reason. But, as you move through life, you notice quickly so much that doesn’t make sense. For some of us, world events cause us to question our faith: war, poverty, natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, and extreme inequalities among people.  For some of us, it is personal hardship, in our own life or the lives of our friends – a cancer diagnosis, the loss of a loved one too early, losing a job undeservedly, being betrayed by a spouse, or some other personal tragedy. Regardless of what it is, we all begin to sense that maybe the world doesn’t make sense, maybe things don’t happen for a reason, and maybe…there is no one in control?
How do we maintain a belief in God and yet explain so much of what happens in the world and our lives? It is not an easy question to answer, but wrestling with the question can actually strengthen our faith, especially when life doesn’t go as planned. This weekend I will start a new series “Why Do Bad Things Happen?”. We will be studying the Old Testament book of Job, a classic story about a guy who did everything right, and yet had so much go wrong. Job will not provide cheap answers, but he will help us gain new insight and perspectives on the questions we still wrestle with today.
In preparation for the series, I invite you to start reading the book of Job. We will have a reading plan available in our app to lead you through a reading plan. This series is also a perfect opportunity to invite a friend who is curious about church. Everyone (whether you are a church person or not) has wrestled with these questions and the weekly topics will be especially relevant for new people. So invite someone to join you or share the series.
I can’t wait to see you all in worship this weekend.
P.S. We have a new round of Wellness Groups starting as we move into the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas are times of celebration for many of us but they can also provide unique challenges. If you are wrestling with grief, difficult family dynamics, or wondering how to navigate a difficult situation, don’t do it alone. Join one of our Wellness Groups. You can learn more or sign up here or on the app.
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1 Comment

Donald - October 26th, 2024 at 8:54am

Bad things happen because there is a god of this world. Satan devil.

nGod is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.




