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Starting & Sustaining Change // M-Note 1.6.24

As we head into a new year I reviewed my resolutions from last year. One of them was to write a devotional book. I did it! The other I utterly failed to do. Honestly, I never even started it! This highlights something that is true for most of us. It is easy to want to change; it is harder to actually sustain change in our lives. But, God wants us to change not only at the beginning of a new year…everyday God prompts us to grow and develop. However, we have to do our part to help God in that work. Scripture actually has a lot of practical wisdom about how we turn our desire to change into a reality. And, I want to talk about it.
So, this weekend, I am starting a new series Clean Slate: New Habits for a New Year. I am not going to tell you what you need to change in your life. I bet you already know what you want to work on. Instead, I am going to teach principles and habits that help us sustain change in our lives - turning that desire into reality. I know this is a series that will be relevant and helpful whether you are a religious person or not. Many of our friends also want to start the new year differently. This is a great time to invite someone you know to join you. This series will be especially relevant for any of our friends that are contemplating changes in their own life. You can check out more about the series and share it here.

Christmas Eve was incredible and I want to thank all of you that worshiped at one of our 14 in person services or online. This weekend, I will be celebrating some highlights from the week as well as sharing the total of our Christmas Eve offering. Trust me; you will want to be there in person! It is going to be a fun Sunday, and I can’t wait to start the new year off with you in church. 
P.S. I want to thank so many of you that have picked up a copy of my new book The Methodist Book of Prayer. If you are wanting to connect with God more regularly this year, or start a daily devotional habit, pick up a copy and start it up. This is why I wrote it! If you have been using it, I would love for you to leave a review on Amazon to help spread the word about this resource.
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