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Worth Sharing Discussion Guide - Week 1

CoreGroup Guide | Worth Sharing – Part 1

Written by Parker Patton and Denee Bowers

Welcome back to another season of CoreGroups at The Gathering! We’re so excited you’re here and becoming a deeper part of this community. Our first sermon series this semester is focused on a faith Worth Sharing. This week we will focus on why we should share, followed by what we should share and how we should share it.

We are looking forward to another wonderful year of discussions and would love to hear your feedback to make sure these guides are helpful in prompting in-depth conversations! Please check out the survey at the end of this guide and feel free to share any feedback you may have.

Opening Prayer
Dear God, thank you for this time together. We pray over this CoreGroup season and ask that you help us to deeply ponder your truths and carefully consider how we live out our faith in this world. Help us to notice your promptings and hear your voice, and give us courage to speak up and show your love to a world in need. We ask that you draw near to us during our time here as a group and be with us throughout our discussions. Thank you for your love and for sharing your son, Jesus, so we can have the great privilege of knowing your heart for us. It’s in his name we pray, amen.

Ice Breaker
With a new CoreGroup season starting up, we thought it might be helpful to take a moment to go around the room and share how you found The Gathering. How did you find your way here, and why have chosen to stay and get more involved in the community?

The Head
“If someone is interested in church, they know where to find it.” This is the thinking of so many of us. We keep our faith private, personal. We figure if someone wants to know about Jesus, they will ask, or they will find a church to check out on their own. Furthermore, sharing our faith seems risky, can be perceived as weird, or could be off-putting to those who are not comfortable discussing spirituality. However, just as most of us needed others to help us grow in our faith, new people often find their way to a church because someone was willing to invite them.

This week, we will look at two relevant scriptures related to why we should share our faith:

Romans 10:14-15 (CEB)
“So how can they call on someone they don’t have faith in? And how can they have faith in someone they haven’t heard of? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the good news.’”

Matthew 9:35-38 (CEB)
“Jesus traveled among all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, announcing the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness. Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The size of the harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for his harvest.’”

  • Both of these passages refer to sharing your faith in Jesus as sharing the “good news.” What is so good about the news we are sharing? 
  • Why do we sometimes think this news may not be so good to share with others?
  • How does the image of a big harvest in need of workers impact the way you think about sharing your faith?
  • How did you initially find your way to Jesus or spirituality as a whole? What invitations were extended to you that played an important role in shaping your faith?
  • What misconceptions did you have about Christianity before deciding to dive deeper?

The Heart
While “evangelism” may have become a bit of an intimidating/threatening word based on previous church trauma experienced by some, there’s no question that Jesus encourages us to invite others to experience him. We don’t want to seem pushy or overzealous and scare people off, but we know that we do have a faith worth sharing, and that we have found real joy and meaning in getting to know Jesus firsthand.

  • Why do you think it’s so difficult for us to share our faith with others in today’s world?
  • Have you ever shared your faith with someone who didn’t consider themselves a follower of Jesus? If so, how did it go, and what were some of the things you felt throughout the conversation?
  • We mentioned “church trauma” in the intro to this section. What are some ways that the more toxic side of religion impacts you personally when you think about sharing your faith?
  • What is one meaningful experience you have had with God that you could share with people in your life?

The Hands
While outright asking you to “share your faith with someone this week” or “invite one friend to church this week” might feel intimidating, think of some practical ways you can share your faith, even if it’s not a direct invitation.

  • In casual conversation, have you ever conveniently skipped over mentioning that you went to church or spent time reading your Bible? This week, don’t shy away from mentioning that you’re going to church or CoreGroup if the topic comes up in conversation. If a friend asks you what you’ve been reading lately, instead of just mentioning the popular fiction title, tell them about the book on Christian spirituality you’ve been diving into or the Bible as well. How can your CoreGroup support you in this area?
  • Social media can be a great tool to share positive messages and show others that you are endeavoring to live a life of faith. Have you ever seen or shared a post that had a profound spiritual impact on you? This week, consider tapping “share” on The Gathering posts instead of just quietly “liking” them. Similarly, if you read a Bible verse that sticks out to you, or you come across a passage of a spiritual book that impacts you, consider sharing it on social media to share your faith with others.
  • When the topic of a conversation veers slightly toward religion/spirituality, how do you respond? Do you take the opportunity to lean into it, or pull away out of fear of rejection? This week, if a conversation mentions religion or Jesus or any relevant topics, take the initiative to ask “Are you a spiritual person at all?” or “Do you ever go to church?” See where the convo takes you!

Closing Prayer
Dear God, thank you again for this time together. Remind us of these conversations throughout the week and keep us close to your heart. Help us to share our faith in ways that feel natural and accurately show your love for the world. Be with us this week and remind us of your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

From Pastor Charity
CoreGroup Discussion Guide Survey - As we kick off another semester of CoreGroups at The Gathering, the Writing Team would love to hear from you. Please complete this brief survey to share your input and ideas about the CoreGroup discussion guides. Thank you!

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