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Students Stepping Up: Getting Involved in Ministry // M-Note 9.21.24

People often ask me, “how did you become a pastor?” It is a hard question to answer without unpacking a lot of my life story! But, one of the earliest influences on my life and faith was the youth group I was a part of in my home church. I was reluctant, but in that youth group people saw in me certain gifts, and invited me to begin practicing leadership at a young age when I didn’t really think that I was qualified. In the summer, my youth group would go on mission trips where I first began to see a world much larger than the one I experienced in my own hometown. I met people, shared experiences, and participated in work that I never would have considered if it weren’t for the church. My small United Methodist Church didn’t have a lot of resources, but it used many of the resources it did have to invest in kids and students like me. They cared about sharing and shaping faith in younger people, and that investment played a pivotal role in my eventual decision to answer a call to ministry. Without my home church caring about kids like me, I wouldn’t be doing this work.
A few weeks ago, The Gathering had the fall kickoff for our own Student Ministry. Thrive is for middle school students and Refuge is our high school ministry. We had 97 6th-12th grade students participate in the kickoff. Just last weekend, 15 students from The Gathering’s student ministry returned from a retreat and were at the Webster Site for worship. Several of our students have come up to me just to tell me how much they love student ministry and few eagerly told me that they invited friends (and the friends liked it as well!).

This makes me smile. Just as my youth group was impactful for me (and yours was for many of you), we now get to be part of a church that is investing in the faith and life of a new generation of kids and students. I am proud to be part of a church that uses resources to share and shape faith in students. Thank you to all of you who help to make that happen. Whether you have students or not, serve in that ministry or not, every time you participate at The Gathering through giving, serving, or inviting a friend – you are helping to create a community in which young people are being inspired to live differently because of faith.
Well done, Gathering. I am proud of you. And if you ever want to see what is happening in our student ministry, maybe it is time to serve at one of these events. If you are interested, send a note to Martin Leathers (middle school) or Jessica Broombaugh (high school). I promise you it will be fun and rewarding.
This weekend I am excited to continue our series Worth Sharing by talking about HOW we actually share an invitation with others (and not look weird). I may or may not be taking volunteers from the congregation to participate in the sermon. You will have to come and see!
Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you (and someone you invite) on Sunday!

P.S. Being a church for new generations doesn’t stop in high school. Something pretty amazing is happening with our college students and young adults ministries, too. This fall, we’ve had a more intentional presence on local college campuses than we’ve had in a long time, which led to 49 students showing up at Top Golf the other night to have fun and learn about The Gathering. And, our Young Adult Ministry Kickoff is next Thursday, September 26, at Schlafly Bottleworks. I look forward to sharing more about both these ministries as they take shape over the next few months, but in the meantime, if you are (or know someone is) 23-35ish, be sure to come to (or spread the word about) this karaoke night with free food & fun.
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