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It's Christmas Eve! // M-Note 12.24.2020


It is Christmas Eve, and I am not rushing around. I am not putting on a tie or preparing for 14 services. Instead, I am praying for you, and eager to worship alongside you. I am going to miss seeing you in person, but today there is an incredible opportunity for all of us, wherever we are, to worship together. Most of us have been so consumed with what is happening in our world day to day, but tonight we are invited to look up. We are asked to see beyond what is right in front of us to a God in Jesus who is doing something greater. When we look up, we can receive what we want and need most. In Jesus, we can enter a new year with hope and new possibility.
So, I invite you to worship with me today. Gather your family and join me for one of our livestream Christmas Eve services at 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11pm at You can also worship anytime today OnDemand. There are several other ways to participate in worship including The Gathering app, YouTube or Facebook. If you have a smart tv, you can also find The Gathering app on Roku and AppleTV by searching “Gathering Now”.
Today, 100% of our offering will go to fund clean water in Mozambique. You can give to the Christmas Eve offering online anytime at
Finally, Christmas is meant to be shared. We all know people that may need a word of encouragement and hope today. Take a minute right now and think of someone in your life. Invite them to worship, as well. Sharing our website with them. Sometimes all it takes is a simple invitation from you for someone else to feel included, loved, and reminded that they aren’t alone.
Don’t forget, all the details you need are on I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I look forward to worshiping with you today.
P.S. In preparation for worship, grab some candles. We will have an opportunity to light them during worship and sing Silent Night together!

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