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Day 10

Saturday, February 27
Exodus 12:1-13:16

If there is one word I would use to describe the season of life we’re living in it is this. Change.

Almost everyone has had to experience some kind of change over the last year. We’ve seen our leaders in government change. Our roles or our jobs may have changed. Visiting family has changed.

Imagine if every aspect of the change you’ve seen this year was led by  competent leadership. Some of it has been, but some of it has been left up to us to figure out on our own. The Passover story isn’t complicated, but it does lay out, step by step, directions given by God.

In Exodus 12:1-13, God gives the Israelites the Passover so that they can show God their readiness for change. Essentially, the Passover represented a new start in a life of trusting in and following the Lord.

1. Families were to offer a sacrifice of an unblemished sheep or goat (12:3-6)

2. The people were to eat the Passover sacrifice while being “dressed for travel, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand” (12:11)

3. Families were to spread blood of a sacrificial lamb on their doorposts so that God would passover them and spare their first born. (12:7)

4. God commanded them to rest. Literally do nothing except for prepare meals you need in which to survive. (12:16)

As Christians, we see in the Gospels that Jesus represents this lamb to us now. (John 1:29)

Take some time today to read the story. God’s leadership through this feels a lot like the last year. Major sacrifices and change had to occur, not only to adjust to a new life, but to find joy and peace on the other side. It’s coming!

God, show me the places in my life that I might sacrifice in order to follow you. Help me to be ready to follow, dressed to travel, sandals on my feet, and staff in hand. And also, help me find time to rest in You. AMEN.

Reflection by Jeff Allen

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