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The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 14

The thing about Lent is that as much as it is an important season spiritually it also mimics the change of seasons in the natural world. We put ashes on our heads and meditate on our mortality while it is very much still winter. We celebrate new life and resurrection when spring has taken over outside. Here in the midwest we can’t always rely on the weather to reflect this (I believe there was a snowy outdoor Easter in the early days of The Gathering), but the progression never fails.

From death comes new life.

We have been looking at dead things for a while now, but new life is getting ready to burst out onto the scene. Trees and grass and flowers all about to replace the endless brown with an array of color.

As we move through this Lent be on the lookout for signs of new life on the way. Are there signs of new life in your home, at work, in the world? Take note and thank God for spring in our world and our hearts.

A practice to try this week:
Get outside and go for a walk this week. The more nature you can be surrounded by the better. Look for signs of spring in your surroundings.

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