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The Last Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 28

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Each day this week we will read a passage of scripture that describes the events of Jesus' final days before his crucifixion. Today, Jesus enters Jerusalem to the waving of palm branches and shouts of blessing. It was surely a high moment for all who were present and the days that follow are an emotional roller coaster.

This week's stories are rich with meaning. I hope you are able to carve out a little extra time to linger over them. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal something of God to you. Seek to wake up on Easter morning changed because of what we have experienced this Lent.

A practice to try this week:
The stories of Holy Week are full of interesting details, sights, and sounds. Try reading each day's scriptures in more than one version of the Bible. If you typically read the New International Version (NIV), give the Common English Bible (CEB), New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), or even The Message (a paraphrase of the Bible) a try. You can find any of these versions online.

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