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M-Note 11.16.2021

5 Reminders of Good News for Today

By Matt Miofsky
Christmas is a season of good news, and with December right around the corner, I thought it was fitting to remember why Jesus is good news for us. So here are…
5 Reminders of Good News for Today
1. You aren’t alone
One of the names given to Jesus at his birth is Immanuel or “God with us”. Christmas is a reminder that we are never alone. Worshiping each Sunday with others (in person or online) is a great way to remember that we are never alone.
2. You have help
At his birth, Jesus was called a savior--one who comes not just to be with us but to rescue or save us. We don’t always have to be strong enough by ourselves. The church is an expression of God’s help. We are here to support, encourage, and walk alongside one another. A great way to experience and offer help is to join a CoreGroup. It isn’t too late. Check out open CoreGroups on the Gathering App.
3. You are more than your mistakes
When we experience hardship, struggle, or failure, it often threatens to define the rest of our life. But, Jesus was born to offer us forgiveness and the freedom that comes from knowing that our future can look different from our past. A first step towards forgiveness is to pray. You can pray to God, but we are also here to pray with and for you, as well. If there is something you want us praying for, just let us know.
4. You aren’t done yet
As long as we are alive, God isn’t done teaching us. No matter how long you have been following Jesus, there is always more to discover and learn about who we are, who God is, and what God is doing in our life. As a church, we want to offer you ways every day (not just on Sundays) to engage God, learn about Christ, and grow in your faith. One new way to do that is to check out The Hub, a new collection of original Gathering podcasts that include devotionals, ways to pray, and even includes resources for your kids.
5. You are light
Christmas is marked by lights (and they are already starting to go up in my neighborhood). The incarnation of Jesus is described as light shining in the darkness. But, that is not all. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus says that we are also light. That means that God can use us to bring good news to others and bring light into the darkness that those around us may be experiencing. One of the simplest ways to be light in the life of another is inviting them to experience Jesus for themselves. Christmas is a great time to do that. In two weeks, I will begin our new series Good News, and I hope you will offer the gift of good news to someone you know.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who participated in OPEN by making a commitment to practice generosity at The Gathering. If you missed worship last weekend, please check out the message here. You can still participate in making a commitment. Cards are available in person at our sites, or you can fill one out and turn it in online. I can’t wait to see you in worship this weekend as we celebrate gratitude and prepare for Thanksgiving.

P.S. I want to welcome Madi Denton on to our staff as our new Young Adult Pastor. This is a new position that I talked about during OPEN. Madi is coming to us from Missouri United Methodist in Columbia where she led college ministry and served as the site pastor of The City, a contemporary service designed with young adults in mind. I invite you to check her out on Tik Tok (@ohgoditsmadi) or by listening to her podcast (Oh, God!) on Apple Podcasts.

Say hi to Madi here and welcome her to The Gathering.
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