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Day 2

Instructions, Please

Day 2
Monday, November 29

“Make your ways known to me, Lord;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth — teach it to me —
because you are the God who saves me.
I put my hope in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:4-5

The best (or worst, if you’re a scrooge) Christmas gifts come with instructions. Some assembly required. Set up and rules for game play. I fondly remember the year I gifted a board game with instructions so complex we never actually got around to playing it. The Psalmist’s request is all to relatable. To get the most out of a game, toy, life we need instructions. God is faithful to give us directions to follow. Each day presents us with the opportunity to stick close to the way of Jesus or to stray from the paths of the Lord. This Advent season the decision is ours. Will we go step by step where God is leading us? Or, will we decide to go our own way and risk missing out on the abundant life God has for us?

God who saves us, we ask for your direction this Advent. Give us patience and purpose as we wait for you to reveal our next step.

Reflection by Denee Bowers

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