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Day 3

Hope for Our World

Day 3
Monday, November 30

“God will judge between the nations, and settle disputes of mighty nations. Then they will beat their swords into iron plows and their spears into pruning tools. Nation will not take up sword against nation; and they will no longer learn how to make war.”

Isaiah 2:4

Each Advent season, we read the ancient text of Isaiah, which was written over 700 years before a baby was born in a manger. As we prepare for the birth of the Christ child, we look at the prophesies that told of how his life would change the world. This text reminds us of the hope God promises regarding political fighting and wars among nations. May you find a moment today to look away from the headlines in our news cycle and trust in the promise of the prince of peace coming to settle disputes.

God as judge, May you calm my thoughts around the insurmountable troubles in our nation and world. Today may I find hope in the promise that you will bring a time of peace when war will no longer be learned. Amen.

Reflection by Angie Rataj

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