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Day 4

See, Hear, Imagine

Day 4
Wednesday, December 1

“Since before time began no one has ever imagined, no ear heard, no eye seen, a God like you, who works for those who wait for him.”

Isaiah 64:4

This time of year explodes with sensual delight — holiday lights and colorful decorations, traditional songs and hymns, meals and treats being offered. All of this stimulates imaginations of what Christmas Day will bring — what surprises, what feasting, what celebration.

Advent invites us to consider that the true gift of Christmas exceeds all of this. None of our senses are enough to conceive of Almighty God and the plans he has for the ages. Israel could not imagine the coming Messiah as a redeemer for all mankind. Paul uses the same words to remind the Corinthian church that though we are limited in our understanding, God is for us. His plans are for good, for peace, for justice — for so many things we can hardly imagine for our world today.

God, in all the excitement of this season, let me see and hear more. Give me eyes that see people rather than crowds and ears that listen to their voice. Let your love shine through me. Amen.

Reflection by Sherrill Wall

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