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Day 13

For All

Day 13
Friday, December 10

“This is just as it was written in the scroll of the words of Isaiah the prophet,
A voice crying out in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way for the Lord;
make his paths straight.
Every valley will be filled,
and every mountain and hill will be leveled.
The crooked will be made straight
and the rough places made smooth.
All humanity will see God’s salvation.’

Luke 3:4-6

For ALL people? Even me? Even those who make me uncomfortable? Isaiah was able to capture the revolutionary character of Jesus’ ministry 700 years before his birth. Jesus wasn’t sent for the select few or the chosen elite, he came for all, no asterisk or list full of exclusions. Especially those that many Christians have traditionally tried to exclude.
This Advent season, let’s work diligently to remember that we are part of Jesus’ plan, not apart from. Let’s work to deepen our understanding that Jesus is for me, not against me. Let’s also work to be the hands and feet of Jesus by including all, especially those who many not know that Jesus is here for them. Let’s let the revolutionary character of Jesus shine in and through us to all.

God, thank you for sending your son Jesus for me! When the world tries to exclude, help me to include on your behalf. Help me to be an agent for your grace in a world that so often uses your name for hate. Help me to be part of the revolutionary ministry that you sent your son to set in motion. Amen.

Reflection by Seth Botts

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