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Day 16

Come Home Rejoicing

Day 16
Monday, December 13

“And now God, do it again — bring rain to our drought-stricken lives. So those who planted their crops in despair will shout “Yes!” At the harvest, so those who went of with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.”

Psalm 126:4-5 (The Message)

In 2014 I moved to Missouri alone. Though I Had never lived here, St. Louis had become the hub of family dwelling and I was compelled to come here for two reasons: 1. My primary relationship in California had fallen apart in a messy divorce. 2. I wanted to repair broken family relationships. I imagine the Israelites captured and taken to Babylon cried as many tears as I did crossing the Mojave Desert. But in due time, God put in the heart of Cyrus to let the captives go — sending them with great provisions and with substantial wealth they had accumulated living in exile. They came rejoicing back to Jerusalem. My own plans do not include a return to California, but I am daily blessed as relationships here have healed (are healing), and my heart is made light. During Advent we remember that Jesus was also an exile of sorts — leaving his position in heaven to become the seed that falls in the ground and dies. And we become alive with him and rejoice with him in the harvest.

God, thank you that I am not alone in seasons of hurt and exile. Sometimes the hope of Advent gets lost in my own despair. Remind me daily that Jesus has come into the world to renew and to make glad. Let me celebrate with joy!

Reflection by Sherrill Wall

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