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M-Note 12.14.2021

Christmas Eve Pro-Tips

by Matt Miofsky
It is a season of Good News, and each weekend we have been talking about how the birth of Jesus is good news for us. Some of the best news of the season for me has been your presence in worship. I have gotten to see so many people back in church for the first time since the pandemic began. If you have yet to make it back, I hope you will worship with me this weekend as I talk about the good news of mercy and forgiveness that God offers us and that Jesus challenges us to offer to others. I think it is an important message for us to hear as we head into the holidays, maybe carrying some anger or resentment towards certain people.
It is hard to believe but this coming Sunday night we will have our first Christmas Eve service (5 pm at Clayton) for those who are traveling. This will kick off a week of Christmas Eve worship opportunities including early services on Wednesday and Thursday, along with a lot of in-person services on December 24. We also will have a really special online Christmas Eve worship service available On-Demand beginning Christmas Eve morning.

Every year, I get questions about holiday worship so I thought I would put together some pro-tips for worshiping with The Gathering this Christmas Eve. Check them out!
Don’t forget that the most important thing you do this season may not be a gift you buy or a dinner you host, but rather a person that you invite. People need good news in their life, including so many people around you. We often overlook or underestimate just how much an invitation can mean to someone who is struggling or searching. Please join me in inviting someone to Christmas Eve worship at The Gathering. Below are ways to share the word  but I also encourage you to simply reach out and text or call a friend.

Thank you for being such an incredible church. As we approach Christmas, I am continually grateful to be your pastor.

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