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M-Note 12.21.2021

Christmas Eve is Right Around the Corner! 

by Matt Miofsky
Recently, someone asked me what was more stressful to prepare for: Christmas or Easter? I don’t have a clear answer for that question, but Christmas always feels different. It is the one time of the year that the world seems to turn to the church ready to hear a word of good news. We are that way, as well. As another year draws to a close, it is impossible to sum up all that we have each been through. The joys and pains, highlights and low moments, the celebrations and successes, along with the disappointments or failures – they all have a way of tossing us around and sometimes distracting us from the most important truths in our life. For me, Christmas is a time to return to my center, to come back to a story of God who is with me in Jesus, who is walking alongside me, and who will never forsake me. Christmas is a time to remember that we should not give up hope because Christ can do unexpected and miraculous work in our life. It is a time to look at what we have taken for granted, that relationships are more important than accomplishments, that good will still exists, that there are blessings that we sometimes don’t see, and that God has been incredibly faithful.
At the close of another year, I invite you to not overlook the story of Christmas and the good news that it contains for us. I will be talking about that good news this Christmas Eve.  At The Gathering, we have 9 more Christmas Eve services for you to participate in. We have early services on Wednesday and Thursday evening, 7 different options on Christmas Eve, as well as online worship On Demand all day. I hope that you will make time for worship this Christmas and plan to join me. Also, there are others in our lives that need to hear good news this Christmas. Don’t overlook the power an invitation can make. Invite someone to join you for worship. Text them, call them, or share the worship online.
Don’t forget that once again, 100% of our Christmas Eve offering will fund wells for safe water in Mozambique. This is a gift that will change lives, so I hope you will come ready to give generously. My family has decided to match what we spent on Christmas gifts and give that amount to the offering. Whatever your family decides, know that this offering makes a life-changing difference for thousands in Mozambique. You can give in worship or anytime online.
All of the worship times and locations for Christmas Eve can be found below. Masks will be required at all of our sites. I cannot wait to see you in worship. Merry Christmas.
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