Tis the Season (of change) // M-Note 11.18.23

Seasons of transition are also seasons of opportunity. I have always believed that. When things change in our lives, even when those changes are hard and unwelcome, there is always an opportunity – to learn, to grow, or to change. This week marks a transition in the rhythm of the year. Fall will stubbornly give way to winter. We are moving out of normal time and into the holiday season, complete with all the obligations, traditions, and celebrations. The year is shifting and the transition is happening. Some of us love the coming season. Others of us are dreading it! And, many of us are somewhere in between. But one thing is true for all of us: transition provides opportunity.
As the weekend approaches and you prepare for Thanksgiving, I invite you to consider what shift you want to make in your life. Maybe during this upcoming season you want to reset the way you approach family or show up in relationships. Maybe you want to slow the rhythm of your life down so that you make time for what is most important. Maybe it is time for you to leave something behind or tackle a new challenge. Maybe the change you want to make is more personal, a habit you want to stop or a new practice you are ready to start.
The world is in transition, the season is changing, and all of this movement is an invitation for you to consider how God is calling you to change as well. I hope you see the upcoming season not as a reason to overwork, stress, or fear, but rather as a welcomed opportunity for something new to emerge in your life.
If you are leaving town, don’t forget to worship online to catch the last week of our series One: Finding Unity in a Divided World. I will give you five practical strategies for dealing with division and difficult people in your life. Just in time for some of you!

Also, Giving Tree gifts for our Literacy Project teachers are due this Sunday. Bring them with you to worship, or drop them off at our McCausland site from 12-1pm. I heard there are just a few spots left to fill! I encourage you to sign up, if you haven’t already. It’s a really easy way to provide a little joy and encouragement to a hardworking educator this holiday season.

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sunday.
P.S. I want to thank everyone who came to the Book Launch Party for my new book, The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer. It meant a lot to me, and I appreciate your support. I wrote this book to help you set up a daily way to pray and connect with God. If you want to get a copy for yourself or as a gift, we will have them available at our sites during Advent. You can also find it online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Cokesbury and locally at bookstores like The Novel Neighbor.
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