The Gift of Invitation // M-Note 12.1.23

Though I had grown up in church, when I went to college I fell away from going to worship. Like a lot of people, life got busy. School was rigorous, football required a lot, and any free time I used to hang out with friends. Then two guys from the football team invited me to check out a bible study they attended. The truth is I wouldn’t have gone on my own, but since they invited me, I gave it a try. For the first two years of college, I went on and off again. At the end of my sophomore year, these two guys made another invitation. This time they asked me to consider leading the group. After saying no several times, I finally gave in and when I started my junior year of college, I found myself leading a bible study.
That experience of studying scripture, leading others, and connecting with Jesus every week changed my life. Without those two guys inviting me, I don’t think I would be a pastor today. Their invitations played a key role in me coming to a faith in Christ that propelled me to seminary. They couldn't have known that at the time, but I am so glad they were willing to reach out to me. Such is the power of an invitation.
Christmas is a story full of invitations. The angels invited Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds into the story. The wise men were invited by a star! Later on, the disciples started following Jesus because friends invited them to do so. Jesus would end up changing the lives of all those who encountered him. But all those people first had to be invited. Can you remember who invited you to check out Jesus or who first told you about our church?
As a season of invitation, Christmas is not just about what we get, but what we give. One of the most powerful things that we can give this season is an invitation. There are more people than you realize that right now are looking for more. Some are struggling with grief, some feel overwhelmed by life. Some are dissatisfied with work or struggling with their close relationships. Others are bored, looking for something more purposeful or meaningful in life. Some people are just lonely.
The good news of Christmas is incredible. We have a God who welcomes us when others might reject us, forgives us when we screw up, prepares a place for us, offers us new direction and perspective, breaks chains, guides us when we are lost, and promises to give us a life that is far greater than we can imagine. But none of this happens for people if there aren’t some who are willing to invite.
This weekend, I will be talking about the power of an invitation. But today I challenge you. Pay attention to the people that God has placed around you. Then, invite those people to check out what God is up to at The Gathering, especially this Christmas. You can share our Christmas Eve worship on social media, send a text, or even better just offer someone a Christmas invitation card (we will have them for you Sunday). All the while remember that the most meaningful part of Christmas this year may not be a gift you get, but an invitation you give.
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