Make Your Home Amongst Us O God - Advent Devotional Day 15

"The Word became flesh
    and made his home among us.
We have seen his glory,
    glory like that of a father’s only son,
        full of grace and truth." - John 1: 14

I need you to read that again. “The Word became flesh, and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.”

What do you think it means for Christ to make his home among us? Each and every day. While we’re doing dishes, chatting with coworkers, venting to our friends, when we’re getting ready for bed, when we’re walking from one thing to another thing, in every moment, in every day, in every breath, Christ has made his home amongst us.

Christ is tangled up in our humanness, in our human mess. The son of God, who is full of grace and truth took up residence in your flesh and bones. In your veins, in your heart, in your very being.

That’s quite intimate, is it not? Christ is at home, snug within our broken, beautiful, human bodies. I think it is truly remarkable that we love and serve a God who is so willing to walk with us in that way. A God whose love is so all encompassing, God will make God's home within our bodies. Our bodies! Bodies that are susceptible to human frailty, but also bodies–no matter how imperfect they may be– that are capable of so much: feeling, sensing, creating, envisioning.

I hope this Advent season, you do your best to stay attuned with your own body. That you take the time, in the busyness, in the chaos, to remind yourself that the son of God, who is grace and truth has taken up residence within you. You deserve a moment to rest, and to take comfort in the fact that God found you, yes you, in all your human mess, God found you worthy of making a home within.

Dear God,
We thank you for making your home within us. What an honor it is to be a home to your son, Christ. May you remind us of this, and remind us that if Christ makes his home amongst ourselves, he makes his home amongst everyone. May we treat one another with this truth, that Christ lives within each person we encounter. May we reflect in our daily lives that you’re with us, may we meet others with the peace, comfort, grace and truth that you provide. It’s in your holy name we pray, amen.

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