Unexpected Gifts in the Midst of Obligations - Advent Devotional Day 25

"4 Since Joseph belonged to David’s house and family line, he went up from the city of Nazareth in Galilee to David’s city, called Bethlehem, in Judea. 5 He went to be enrolled together with Mary, who was promised to him in marriage and who was pregnant. 6 While they were there, the time came for Mary to have her baby. 7 She gave birth to her firstborn child, a son, wrapped him snugly, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the guestroom." - Luke 2:4-7

Christmas comes with a lot of obligations. Maybe it’s a given that you must attend all the family gatherings, on both sides (or all four sides or six sides or…?). Or, maybe you have that one friend who won’t take no for an answer when inviting you to stay with them for the holidays.

No matter what you have going on - even if you’re nine months pregnant and about to be married - you’re probably expected to drop everything and go.

Like it was for Mary and Joseph, a guest room might be a distant dream as you try to fall asleep on the lumpy couch or the hard floor in a strange house. It’s crowded. It’s uncomfortable. They don’t have the yogurt you like. But, it’s also beautiful. Maybe you have a reconciling late night conversation with a sibling that could only happen when everyone is crammed together in one house. Or, you sip coffee while the sun rises with your niece curled up on your lap. Or, you learn some long lost tidbit of family lore from that wacky great aunt.

And that’s what remains when the stress, awkwardness, and sleep deprivation fades away. The memories of whatever was lovely in the midst of the uncertainty - the connections, the laughter, the sweet baby, wrapped snugly, laying in a manger.

Dear God, help me to find the moments of hope, joy, and beauty among the many obligations of the season. As I run from event to event, task to task, or prepare to travel, help me to remember  that even alone in a strange city with nowhere to stay, Mary and Joseph were surprised with the loveliest gift. As my stress mounts, help me to stay calm so I am able to see the blessings you have prepared for me and for all of us this holiday season. It is for your Son that we wait, and in His name we pray. Amen.

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