Embracing a Clean Slate // M-Note 12.30.23

Thank you to all of you who joined The Gathering on Christmas Eve. I loved seeing so many of you in worship. It was a powerful day and night of remembering that God is active and present in so many small things in our lives, not just at Christmas, but all year. I hope that it resonated with you and that you will join us for worship this Sunday and in the New Year.

We will have all regular worship services this Sunday (New Year’s Eve), and on Sunday, January 7, I will kick off a new series, Clean Slate: New Habits for a New Year.  I will also be announcing the total of our Christmas Eve offering that day!

The transition to a new year is always a good reason to spend some time intentionally reflecting on what God has done in your life over the last year. I encourage you to carve out some time to do this. Reflect on the experiences that you are grateful for. Think about what you have learned and how you’ve changed. Then, define your hopes for the year ahead. And, don’t just think about things you want to add to your life. Think about the habits, regrets, or emotional weight you need to leave behind in 2023 to truly start 2024 with a Clean Slate. Then, join us in worship in January to hear about the fresh start God offers us with the new year and what scripture has to say about taking advantage of this opportunity in order to create and sustain change over time.

And invite someone to join you! There are also a lot of people in our lives excited at what a new year and new beginning could mean, but have no idea where to begin. They may be curious about how a relationship with God could play a role in their lives, and are just waiting for an invitation from the right person. That person is you!

Finally, I hope you will consider making a financial gift to The Gathering before the year ends. We are only able to commit 100% of our Christmas Eve offering to safe water because you give so generously during the rest of the year. We would be so grateful if The Gathering was included among the organizations you provide with a little extra support this time of year. You can make a gift online today. If you have a question about year-end giving, email us. Thank you so much to all of you that support our ministry through giving. We couldn’t do what we do without it, and I am grateful for you.

Thank you all for giving me the privilege of another year of being your pastor. I cannot wait to see what God does in your life and in our church in the year ahead.
P.S. On Thursday, January 4, at 7pm, an EXPLORE group will begin at our Clayton site. The new year is a great time to commit or recommit to your faith. And, if you’re trying to figure out what’s next for you at The Gathering, EXPLORE is a great place to do it. It’s just four weeks, and you’ll have the chance to ask questions, get to know The Gathering a little better, and learn what we believe about Jesus, the Bible, and church in general. Plus, childcare and snacks will be provided! At the end, you’ll have a chance to become a member of the church. January’s group will be led by Adam Baker, our Webster Site Pastor, and you can learn more and sign up here.
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