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M-Note 2.2.22
by Mike DePope on February 2nd, 2022
By Matt Miofsky Today, snow is in the forecast for St. Louis, a lot of snow. My kids were excited when they called school off early last night. I know many people can work from home or call in. But, my wife is a nurse manager and works in a hospital. So, early this morning I drove her to the hospital to save her the walk from the parking garage. As I was driving home at 40 mph on the interstate, I...  Read More
Loving People You Don\'t Like - Week 4
by Denee Bowers on January 28th, 2022
Opening Prayer:God, we’ve spent four weeks considering how we can love people we don’t like. By now we might be getting annoyed with all this talk of annoying people. Be patient with us as we continue to run into our own limitations. We thank you for your never ending love and grace. Help us to recenter our hearts on the example you have given us in Jesus. We love you and we want to love your peop...  Read More
M-Note 1.26.2022
by Mike DePope on January 26th, 2022
By Matt Miofsky This weekend, I am finishing our series Loving People You Don’t Like. As I was reflecting on this series and how important it has been for me, I began to distill a few of the truths that God is teaching me through it all. Chances are there are some folks in your life right now that are frustrating, annoying, or outright angering you. If that is true, here are 3 truths to reflect on...  Read More
Loving People You Don't Like - Week 3
by Denee Bowers on January 21st, 2022
It seems obvious that the task of loving people we don’t like will require forgiveness, but that doesn’t make it easy.  Read More
M-Note 1.19.2022
by Mike DePope on January 19th, 2022
By Matt Miofsky The house next door to mine is being torn down to make room for a new one. They are currently digging out and pouring the foundation for the new structure, and it is taking a long time. Every day at 7am there are bulldozers digging, men forming up the new foundation, or concrete trucks backing in to pour. Just this past week, they finally removed the forms to reveal all the fresh c...  Read More
Loving People You Don't Like - Week 2
by Denee Bowers on January 14th, 2022
When we seek to love the people we don’t like, we will usually face some difficult conversations. It can be easy to approach these situations armed with the hard truth of the matter.  Read More



