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5 Relationships Kids Need from the Church
by Dave Merrill on October 20th, 2021
Intergenerational RelationshipsUs older people are fascinating to kids. We are the carriers of the answers to all their questions of “Why?”.  We are the tellers of amazing stories. We are the keepers of the boundaries that help them stay safe. We are the window into what being a grown up looks like.  For all those reasons and more, kids need spaces where they can lean into older trusted adults.Con...  Read More
Open: Week 1
by Denee Bowers on October 16th, 2021
The Gathering has grown into the community that it is because we have chosen to stay open to God’s call. When we soften our hearts, we can respond to God and our mission with excitement and wonder.  Read More
M-Note 10.16.2021
by Mike DePope on October 15th, 2021
When’s the last time you felt God revealing something new, big or exciting to you? Often we miss out on the new things of God because we’ve allowed our heart to become calloused. Check out these 7 Signs You Might Have a Hard Heart 7 Signs your heart has hardened (and how to turn it around). 1.     You are on autopilot We all get there. Things in our life become so routine that we do them without r...  Read More
Open Training Recap
by Denee Bowers on October 14th, 2021
It can be tricky to navigate conversations around money and giving in groups. So we wanted to answer some frequently asked questions and offer some tips for leading your group throughout this sermon series.  Read More
Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 5
by Denee Bowers on October 9th, 2021
A central feature of Jesus’ ministry was his inclusion of people who were typically on the outside.  Read More
M-Note 10.8,2021
by Mike DePope on October 8th, 2021
Do you believe that God can do miracles in your life?This is a hard question for me. At a deep level, I want to believe this. I do believe it. But day-to-day, it is really hard to remain open to the idea that God can do the impossible.I bet this is true for a lot of you. As time passes, it is harder to stay open to new possibilities. In life, the more experiences we stack up, the more we begin to ...  Read More



