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Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 4
by Denee Bowers on October 2nd, 2021
The Church has become the mouthpiece for one political party, making Christianity synonymous with partisanship. We observe something different in Jesus.  Read More
M-Note 10.1.2021
by Mike DePope on October 1st, 2021
Nearly 10 years ago, I had the opportunity to interview former U.S. Senator from Missouri, John Danforth for a sermon I was preaching on faith and politics. He had written a book in 2006 on the topic, and during our interview, he lamented that the problem was only getting worse. He shared with me his fear that politicians will continue to politicize Christian values, and Christians will increasing...  Read More
Blessing Bags
by Denee Bowers on September 30th, 2021
Blessing Bags contain a simple, practical collection of items for people who are unhoused or in need of basic necessities. These items are intentionally selected and packed into a large zip loc bag, making them easy to keep in your car and offer to those you meet. It's not a new idea, but it is a small way that you can share what you have with someone else.For CoreGroups, we hope this is an activi...  Read More
Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 3
by Denee Bowers on September 25th, 2021
Following in the way of Jesus is about far more than having a better life. We are also asked to be others-centered  Read More
M-Note 9.24.2021
by Mike DePope on September 24th, 2021
Something began happening this week – leaves started falling in my yard. Not just the leaves, but plants that were bright and green back in spring are starting to look a bit tired and brown. Rose buds are wilting and dying with no more to take their place. All around, it is beginning to happen. The plants are dying, or at least that is what it looks like. They are preparing for winter. But alongsi...  Read More
Jesus vs. Christianity: Week 2
by Denee Bowers on September 18th, 2021
It is one thing to follow Jesus, it is another to be a follower.  Read More



