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Lent Devotional // Ash Wednesday
by Denee Bowers on February 16th, 2021
Ash WednesdayJoel 2:12-17, Psalm 23I always feel a little self-conscious on Ash Wednesday. In years past I have had ashes in the shape of a cross smudged on my forehead. Typically, I would receive ashes in the morning and then go about my day. Going to work, running errands, last year I even had a doctor’s appointment and a book club meeting.Then someone asks, “so, uh, what do the ashes mean?”You ...  Read More
We Need Lent Now More Than Ever // M-Note 2.12.2021
by Amy Sanders on February 12th, 2021
Next week is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. For some of you, this season means Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday always precedes Ash Wednesday and has religious roots). For St. Louisans, Lent marks the beginning of fish fry season. For others, it is a vaguely familiar time when some people come to work with those weird smudges on their forehead. But for Christians, Ash Wednesday is a time to remem...  Read More
Unlikely Friends and Partnerships // M-Note 2.5.2021
by Amy Sanders on February 6th, 2021
This morning, I met a friend for coffee. Normally, this sort of thing would happen over Zoom, but he is moving away, so this was my last chance to see him and say goodbye. He and his wife have been instrumental to The Gathering from the very beginning, supporting our ministry with their time, energy, wisdom, and money. From the launch of the church 14 years ago, to the beginning of our safe water ...  Read More
Our Work // M-Note 1.29.2021
by Amy Sanders on February 1st, 2021
Gathering,Writer Annie Dillard once said, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Considering that the average person spends a third of their adult life at work - some 90,000 hours - your job can in large part define your life. That is why work is such a source of stress, discernment, and struggle. Loving what you do, or finding deep meaning in your work, can feel like an el...  Read More
Transitions // M-Note 1.22.2021
by Amy Sanders on January 22nd, 2021
Type your new text here. Gathering,It is a season of transitions. Of course, the most obvious one occurred Wednesday when we transitioned leadership in Washington, D.C. But, our government is not the only thing in transition. With the distribution of a vaccine, there is a sense that we may be at least beginning a transition out of this global pandemic. We are in a new year and a new season of life...  Read More
The F Word // M-Note 1.15.2021
by Amy Sanders on January 15th, 2021
Gathering,In 2021, I started a podcast and radio show called The F Word: Conversations in Faith. I am only three weeks in, but I am having a lot of fun so far! I started this project for a few reasons. First, The Gathering is all about meeting people where they are and inviting them to explore faith. Especially in a world where people cannot come to church, this is a new way for us to reach out to...  Read More



