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Advent Devotional - Day 19
by Denee Bowers on December 17th, 2020
Thursday, December 17Luke 2:9-11Christmas brings up a lot of memories for me: hot chocolate with marshmallows, going out to the Christmas tree farm to pick out the perfect tree, and going through the Sears Catalog highlighting the things I wanted Santa to bring are among my favorites. But there is probably no Christmas image more holy to me than the sight (or more specifically, the sound) of Linus...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 18
by Denee Bowers on December 16th, 2020
Wednesday, December 16Isaiah 49:13Do you ever find yourself needing to stretch your muscles? Sometimes it’s accompanied by a yawn. Most of the time it’s completely involuntary. We raise our hands, open our mouths, take a deep breath, and exhale. Comfort. Relief.I could almost be describing what it’s like to find joy in God through praise and comfort and relief through God’s compassion.I love the p...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 17
by Denee Bowers on December 15th, 2020
Tuesday, December 15Psalm 19:7-11, Genesis 3:1-7Rules. I have a three year old son so my house has a lot of rules. Breakfast before any other activity in the morning. No toys at the dinner table. No climbing or jumping on the couch. No tackling his litter sister. And on they go.The rules are there for his own good, for him to be safe and happy. But he often doesn’t see the rules that way. Instead ...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 16
by Denee Bowers on December 14th, 2020
Monday, December 14Psalm 105:42-43; Exodus 15:1-3Singing JoySinging is a practice in both Jewish and Christian expressions of worship. The cantor leads singing portions of scripture. In our worship, singing is an important means of sharing the scripture with music.In my family, music is so important. There isn't a family gathering where we don't sing. Truly, the family is known to have some great ...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 15
by Denee Bowers on December 13th, 2020
Sunday, December 13The Third Sunday of AdventEvery Sunday during Advent we invite you to join us in lighting an Advent wreath in your home. These wreaths can be elaborate parts of your Christmas decor, or they can simply be four candles gathered from around the house (Pinterest is full of inspiration).Traditionally, many families light their Advent candle at dinnertime or during an evening quiet t...  Read More
Advent Devotional - Day 14
by Denee Bowers on December 12th, 2020
Saturday, December 12Philippians 4:1-9I’m a cynic by nature. Or maybe I have become one over time. That’s probably the actual truth. I’ll get to that later.We are struggling and trying to navigate a world where everyone is out for themselves and/or their own values, disregarding the cares and needs of others. “I’m right, you’re wrong, and now we can no longer be in right relationship.”Frankly, tha...  Read More



