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M-Note 8.13.2021
by Mike DePope on August 13th, 2021
Yesterday, an intense storm swept through St. Louis. It didn’t last long, but it was enough to down trees all over the area and leave many, including the Miofsky family, without power. As I write, we are going on 16 hours without power. With so much damage, we aren’t sure when we might get it back. Fortunately, the evening was cool, we slept well, and we have everything we need. We will be fine. B...  Read More
Did someone sign up for my group?
by Denee Bowers on August 10th, 2021
CoreGroup sign up season is an exciting time! New people are signing up for our groups and we get to welcome them. So, how do you know if someone has signed up for your group?I'm so glad you asked!We use a system called Church Community Builder (CCB) to manage our groups. When someone signs up for your group you will receive an email from CCB.How do I log in?Your username is your email address. If...  Read More
M-Note 8.7.2021
by Mike DePope on August 7th, 2021
I hope you all are having a great weekend. I wanted to remind you of a few things happening at The Gathering THIS weekend.• Tonight from 7:30-8:30 pm The Gathering Webster has rented out the Webster Groves Aquatic Center for a pool party. Everyone is welcome, your kids can invite some friends, and it is all at no cost. Come on over.• Tomorrow I will continue our sermon series Fire and Brimstone: T...  Read More
Summer Discussion Guide
by Denee Bowers on August 2nd, 2021
Check-In Questions - In this and every season CoreGroups are meant to be a place of connection. Start off your meeting with some time checking-in and giving group members time to share what is going on in their lives. Go around the circle and share one high point and one low point from your week. Where have you seen God this week? Sermon Discussion Questions- Talking about the sermon is a great way to go...  Read More
CoreGroup Quick Start Guide
by Denee Bowers on August 2nd, 2021
Quick Start GuideStarting Your New CoreGroup Is as Easy as 1-2-31. Decide on the details of your group. You’ve decided to start a CoreGroup, now it’s time to make some decisions.Choose a day of the week, time, location and meeting method that works well for your schedule and comfort level. You can opt for virtual meetings, in-person (if safe to do so), or a hybrid of both.Select a category of grou...  Read More
M-Note 7.30.2021
by Mike DePope on July 30th, 2021
Dear Gathering,As a parent of three kids, August always marks a shift in seasons. Summertime is still here, but school is around the corner. The heat is wearing on me (especially as I write this), and I am ready for something new. Spiritually, something similar is true. I have been away for a few weeks now, taking a small sabbatical to rest, reflect, and reconnect with God and my family. It was gr...  Read More



